Monday, March 5, 2012

First post

Ever have a dream where everything is really vivid, but you're utterly alone?

Yeah, had one of those last night. I dreamt I was in space aboard some enormous ship (think the size of a city, but I was alone. After wandering around the ship alone for weeks, I figured out that everyone who had once been there was gone and that I had propelled myself almost two million years into the future.

Everyone I knew or cared about was gone. I had no clue how to work the ship and had to settle for trying to find out what happened to everyone in my life.  I remember dreaming of sitting in a hallway in the ship looking out a window as we passed by a sun and remember the golden glow that made everything look really orange where I was sitting. 

I was watching some video thing that was playing in front of me like it was a movie where I could see everyone happy and having fun and wondered if they'd forgotten about me after I left.  My parents looked happy and worry-free as did everyone else that I'd ever known or cared about.

When I finally woke up, I was just left with this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I get that it's a Monday, but sheesh, does it have to start out like this?

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